Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp

Ages 6 – 9

MLS Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp is designed for young learners to be stimulated, mentally, physically, and emotionally in a safe learning environment.

The program includes Conscious Discipline Lessons, Art & Design Classes, Mindfulness, Arabic Language, Physical Education, & Special Thursday Activities!


3 Weeks Starting July 9

Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp

Ages 6 – 9

MLS Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp is designed for young learners to be stimulated, mentally, physically, and emotionally in a safe learning environment.

The program includes Conscious Discipline Lessons, Art & Design Classes, Mindfulness, Arabic Language, Physical Education, & Special Thursday Activities!


3 Weeks Starting July 9

Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp Program

We are thrilled to announce our highly anticipated Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp, a transformative experience for children ages 6-9. Get ready for three weeks of personal growth, learning, and fun, from July 9 to July 27.

At our camp, we believe that Emotional Intelligence is the key to unlocking your child’s full potential. Through a carefully crafted program, we offer a dynamic blend of activities that nurture their social-emotional development and cultivate essential life skills.

Here’s what our Emotional Intelligence Summer Camp has in store for your child:

  1. Conscious Discipline Lessons: Our counselor will guide your child through Conscious Discipline techniques, empowering them to manage emotions, build healthy relationships, and develop self-regulation skills.
  2. Art & Design Classes: Unleash your child’s creativity as they delve into the world of art and design, expressing their emotions and thoughts through various artistic mediums. They will learn to communicate and problem-solve through artistic exploration.
  3. Mindfulness: Introduce your child to the power of mindfulness, providing them with practical tools to increase self-awareness, reduce stress, and enhance focus. Our mindfulness sessions will equip them with lifelong coping strategies.
  4. Arabic Language: Dive into the rich cultural heritage of the Arabic language through engaging lessons, interactive games, and immersive activities. Your child will develop linguistic skills while gaining an appreciation for diversity and global perspectives.
  5. Physical Education: Active bodies, active minds! Our camp includes physical education activities that promote teamwork, resilience, and overall well-being. From sports to cooperative games, your child will enhance their motor skills while building confidence and healthy habits.
  6. Special Thursday Activities: Brace yourselves for thrilling adventures every Thursday! From outdoor water play to interactive workshops, these special activities will provide a refreshing change of pace and create lasting memories for your child.

Spaces are limited, so secure your child’s spot!